My 2011 consisted of the usual love and laughter. But 2011 taught me something more.
2011 taught me that you can never say you've failed, if you've never even given a shot at it. 2011 hasn't been as smooth as I thought it would be. Got my final results for my first year at Chiba University and learned that I had to take matters into my own hands if I wanted to actually succeed in something.
In 2011, I learned that money does make the world go round. I had to make a monthly budget for myself to make sure I had money by the end of the month to pay the rent and bills.
In 2011, I finally opened up myself to the Japanese and accepted them for how they were. I am no longer hurt if they choose not to sit beside me, even though half the row I was sitting at was empty.
In 2011, I learned that Malaysia is indeed, a wonderful country. Where else can you get Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai and all those fattening foods just for breakfast?! Indeed, there's no place like home.
In 2011, I learned that love is real. Love made us conquer 3 years together, and I'm thankful for that.
In 2011, I learned that it isn't easy looking for an apartment to stay. It isn't easy managing things in a country you're not used to. I learned to appreciate the people back at home who have given me all their best just to keep me safe and warm, day and night.
In 2011, I was given the position as a vice for the Malaysian community here in Chiba. To be honest, I have never been given a position like that. Not even when I was at school. I learned to make a new family here in Chiba, where everybody is nice and friendly (put aside all the drama lol)
In 2011, I learned that culture is an important key. Through culture, so many messages can be exchanged. We had our ASEAN festival and our University Festival where we cooked and exchanged cultures with Japan, Vietnam, Korea, etc. We're our country's little ambassadors, if you'd like to put a name on it ;)
In 2011, I learned that you can never be too old for Disney ;) I went to Disneyland with a couple of friends during summer, and I felt like a 7 year old all over again. I tell ya, it's the magic of Disney! Oh come on, we've all at least dressed up in fluffy dresses and danced the night away thinking we were Cinderella :p
In 2011, I learned that no matter how long you've known a person, there's always something new and interesting you'll find about the person every time you meet up. Okay I've known this for a long time now, but it has its own significant meaning in 2011.
In 2011, I turned 21 :) I'd like to say I became wiser, but my actions prove otherwise :p
In 2011, I realized all the things that have gone wrong and tried fixing it..but it was just too late.
In 2011, I lost someone close to me, which has only made me more stronger and grateful for every day I'm given the chance to breathe.
So 2011 would be a never ending cosine graph if it actually had a graph of my life. So believe it or not, I can't wait for 2012! My new year's resolution?
1. Taking control and steering my life into the right direction with friends and family by my side, 'cause for once..I actually think I've lost my way.
2. Stop giving in to the matters of the heart so easily. Just so I won't have trouble picking myself up again :')
3. Keep friends and family close :)
So how are you people spending the New Years? Some may be counting down the seconds as the clock strikes 12, some may be spending their last days of 2011 with their loved ones. As for me, I'm cozy-ing up in bed with a tub of chocolate ice cream; which fyi I intend on finishing tonight, and not forgetting One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, movies and lots of music to keep me company :)

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012! Happy New Year, everybody!! Cheers to a new year, a new life, and a new me :)